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Simba Enterprises, LLC Simba Enterprises, LLC

SimbaCom is an SBA certified Small Business HubZone with a GSA Schedule IT Schedule 70 contract #GS-35F517AA providing professional services, global telecommunication, and hard to find operation and maintenance (O&M) support solutions.  Established in 2005, our team is composed of military veterans that are highly qualified subject matter experts (SMEs), GVF engineers, scientists, technicians, and program managers with extensive knowledge. SimbaCom provides satellite-based telecommunications and information technology solutions worldwide — with services provided by our well-qualified team. SimbaCom provides end-to-end communication solution designs, engineering, test and evaluation, supply chain logistics, and technology life cycle management. We also provide the full range of relevant program management and professional support services. We offer Private Cyber Security and NOC services that include scalable, redundant storage solutions and are capable of providing 24/7 on call network support. Our personnel are currently stationed CONUS and OCONUS on call for assistance.