GVF-EMP London ‘HTS Roundtable 2018’



Press Release

London Looks to Brave New Satellite World 

A Full House Pre-Registered for GVF-EMP London ‘HTS Roundtable 2018’ 

Thursday, 15th November 2018

LONDON – The GVF-EMP Partnership ‘HTS Roundtable 2018 - GEOs... MEOs... LEOs: Enabling a Brave New World’ (www.uk-emp.co.uk/current-events/hts-roundtable-2018/), has declared a pre-registration full house for the 4th December programme at London’s Strand Palace Hotel.

Martin Jarrold, GVF’s Chief of International Programme Development, and Chair of the GVF-EMP Portfolio Series commented, “This year the audience of pre-registered HTS Roundtable attendees, in addition to the industry's key players, features several organizations and representatives of academia and agencies wholly new to this annual event.”

"The Roundtable this year," continued Mr Jarrold, "will begin with a brief introduction from GVF's new Secretary General, David Meltzer, who took-up his post at the end of August this year; his remarks being followed by an opening Backdrop Presentation given by Stéphane Chenard, Senior Analyst with Euroconsult, giving an overview of the changing dynamics of satellite's expanding markets, enhanced services, and evolving technologies."

The event, which will offer an in-depth exploration of the drivers and trends behind the continuing massive growth potential in the market for satellite-based broadband solutions.  The event is supported by Corporate Sponsors – Comtech EF Data, Hughes, and Newtec – and Guest Sponsors – SES Networks, C-COM Satellite Systems and Integrasys and will take place the day following the Society of Satellite Professionals International (SSPI) Better Satellite World Awards dinner, during which GVF will be presented with an award (jointly with the United Nations Emergency Telecommunications Cluster and United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs, together with the EMEA Satellite Operators Association – ESOA).

Four moderator-led sessions, combining brief introductory remarks from each of a panel of speakers and Q&A-based interaction with the Roundtable audience, will comprise the core of the programme.

Full details of the Roundtable programme may be viewed at https://www.uk-emp.co.uk/current-events/hts-roundtable-2018/programme/.

Paul Stahl, Executive Director of EMP also commented, "Our first panel – The Operators… New Focus & New Orbits – features experts from the evolving satellite operator ecosystem who will not only focus on their respective organizations' approach to a future operator market within which the GEOs, MEOs, and mega-LEOs will be either directly competitive or collaborative and complimentary, but also examine the implications of forecast growth in HTS orbital resources, capacity pricing trends, latency differences as a potential competitive divide, the Cloud and IoT markets, and trend towards competition down the value chain. This session will be followed by the three further session themes of The VARs... New Challenges in an HTS World; The Ground Segment… Evolving Dynamics; and, Mobility, Mobility, Mobility.”





The Global VSAT Forum (GVF) is the global association of the satellite industry.  Founded in 1997, it brings together organizations engaged in the delivery of advanced broadband and narrowband satellite services to consumers, and commercial and government enterprises worldwide.  Headquartered in London, GVF is an independent non-profit organization with member companies from every region of the world.  The organization represents every sector of the satellite industry, including fixed and mobile satellite operators, satellite network operators, teleports, satellite earth station manufacturers, system integrators, value added and enhanced service providers, telecom carriers, consultants, law firms, users, and now, Earth imaging companies. Contact martin.jarrold@gvf.org in the UK HQ office, or in the US office please contact david.meltzer@gvf.org or megan.allday@gvf.org.



EMPwas launched in 2004 to develop and manage a niche portfolio of highly specialized conferences analysing the mission-critical communications needs of major corporate and government end-users, particularly in remote locations where connectivity is a major challenge.  EMP events are focused on rapidly developing as well as developed regional markets.  EMP works very closely with key industry and government bodies as well as commercial entities with shared interests, to ensure that all events are stakeholder driven, and that critical industry objectives are analysed in depth and from a variety of perspectives.  Contact paul.stahl@uk-emp.co.uk.

GDPR Online Form


GVF Satellite Industry Summit at CommunicAsia

Satellite communication innovations now enable delivery of connectivity nearly everywhere. From enterprise and consumer broadband, to maritime, aeronautical, and land-mobile “Comms on the Move” solutions, the satellite industry has become an indispensable part of the global communications eco-system. With these advances – and with exponential increases in volumes – the satellite industry has developed initiatives to reinforce terminal performance, operational efficiency, network integrity and other vital elements of quality assurance. The Global VSAT Forum is pleased to welcome your organization’s participation in this Summit, where the industry’s latest breakthroughs will be revealed. 

Held in coordination with association partners APSCC, CASBAA, and IRG the program will provide operators, manufacturers, integrators and other key players with updates and set the stage for discussion regarding:


-- MORNING AGENDA: "GVF Satellite Industry Summit “Next Generation Antenna Usage and Qualification – Addressing Mobility and Fixed Technical & Operational Challenges… One by One”


-- AFTERNOON AGENDA: Spectrum Access, Cyber-Security & Certification of Personnel - Closing the Loop on Mission-Criticality"


Registration is complimentary, but seating will be provided on a first-come / first-served basis. Attendees must hold a CommunicAsia Exhibition Pass or Conference Badge to access the GVF Satellite Summit room.  To register for your free exhibition pass and/or for the Conference visit: http://www.communicasia.com/conference/fees-registration/.


REGISTER for the Summit

GVF Satellite Industry Summit Program (22 May 2017)



General Data Protection Regulation – GVF Compliance & Legal Obligations

Under the new European Union General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), which comes into effect on 25th May 2018, organisations, including GVF, are legally obliged to undertake additional and extensive controls on, and monitoring of, the data held on any individual which is used for communications for the purposes of carrying on organisational business.  All aspects of GVF business relating to the dissemination of information about our programmes, and the storage of individual’s contacts data on which this depends, must, by law, comply with the GDPR.


For anyone to continue receiving communications from us – for example, emails about GVF Working Groups, GVF programmes and campaign/lobbying collaborations, issues of the GVF eBulletin, details of events, and any other information – GVF must update any personal data we hold on all individuals and record all individuals’ preferences as to how that data is managed and retained. We are legally required to obtain clearly documented consent both to store any individual’s data and to contact those individuals in the future.  If we do not receive your consent, we will be legally obliged to remove your data from our database and we will no longer be able to contact you.


In the next several weeks we will be contacting all individuals who currently feature on our database of contacts to request their documented consent to our keeping their data details and to continuing to contact them. If we do not receive this consent – which will take the form of a completed Form of Consent from each individual – we may not, in law, assume that consent is given. Consent must be given and confirmed by each individual concerned, and documented by us, before we can continue to communicate with any individual.  When you receive a request from GVF with Subject: General Data Protection Regulation - Form of Consent, please treat the communication as important and return the completed form distributed to you to GVF ASAP.




GVF Satellite Hub Summit @ CABSAT 2018 & Satellite Communications Conference



Dubai World Trade Centre (DWTC) and Global VSAT Forum (GVF) have announced an enhanced continuation of their partnership agreement to bring a programme of strategic debate on key issues for the current satellite industry technology and service marketplace to CABSAT in Dubai. 

CABSAT 2018, which takes place at the Dubai International Convention & Exhibition Centre at Dubai World Trade Centre, 14 to 16 January, will again feature the GVF Satellite Hub Summit on the second and third days of the event. It will be preceded on the first day of the show by Satellite Communications Conference. The GVF Satellite Hub Summit will be chaired by Martin Jarrold, Chief of International Programme Development with GVF. 

Satellite Communications Conference and the GVF Satellite Hub Summit will comprise mutually-reinforcing programmes of satellite sector and satellite solutions end-user perspectives, with a day one emphasis on strategic analysis of various user markets and a day two and day three focus on interactive panel sessions which will offer detailed examination of core themes within today’s industry environment, such as satellite spectrum, high throughput satellite technologies, low earth orbit satellite constellations, the VSAT mobility market, satellite interference and cyber security.

Introduced to bring important content and keen industry debate to the CABSAT exhibition in 2015, the GVF Satellite Hub Summit has an already three-year proven track record in attracting exhibition attendees to join solutions provider and solutions user dialogues. Now, in 2018, the satellite programme has been extended with the Satellite Communications Conference as a further platform to bring an enhanced value-added experience to the CABSAT exhibition attendees. 


14th January 2018 | Al Multaqua Ballroom, Dubai World Trade Centre 

Satellite Communications Conference 

 “Harnessing the power of disruption: innovations in connectivity, improved mobility, global cooperation and industrial optimisation.”

Satellite technology and service providers please note – The Satellite Communications Conference programme is orientated towards providing a speaking platform for various satellite solutions end-user communities to demonstrate and illustrate how the communications they require to meet their mission-critical objectives have been delivered by technologies and services provided by the satellite sector.

 In 2018, the Satellite Communications Conference programme will feature four Study Track Sector Spotlights focusing on:

·      Aviation

·      Oil & Gas

·      Maritime

·      Telecoms & Broadcast

The programme provides an opportunity for YOUR customers in these sectors to offer such demonstrations and provide such illustrations to the conference audience. If you would like to see YOUR customers speak to the CABSAT audience in 2018, please contact the Conference Producer, Sarah Meredith.

Latest draft programme (Dec 11 2017) for Satellite Communications Conference 2018


15th & 16th January 2018 | Dubai World Trade Centre Exhibition Halls 

The GVF Satellite Hub Summit 


Powered by the GVF Applied innovations Conferences  

With the kind participation of the International Telecommunication Union


Latest Programme (Jan 12 2018) for GVF Satellite Hub Summit 


Please note that your contacts for the two programmes are as follows:

FOR SCC presented by CABSAT 2018                   FOR THE GVF SATELLITE HUB SUMMIT @ CABSAT 2018

Sarah Meredith                                               Martin Jarrold

Conference Producer                                          Chief of International Programme Development

DWTC                                                                     GVF

t-Sarah.Meredith@dwtc.com                           martin.jarrold@gvf.org

Moderator and speaker registration requirements for the Government of Dubai

Please note that all speaking participants in the Satellite Communications Conference (SCC) and GVF Satellite Hub Summit must provide the following, as required by the Dubai authorities:

For Dubai nationals and residents -

Biographical information: 60-200 characters (not words) in length

Copy of Emirates ID: Colour copy (front & reverse) 

For foreign nationals -

Biographical information: 60-200 characters (not words) in length

Confirmation of Full Name as recorded in passport

Confirmation of Nationality

Copy of Passport ID/Photo page: Colour copy

To Register as a Visitor and Get Free Access to the GVF Satellite Hub Summit


GVF Full Members

  • Arabsat - Arab Satellite Communications Organisation
  • Eutelsat Communications
  • Hughes Network Systems LLC
  • Viasat
  • Speedcast
  • SES Networks
  • iDirect
  • Inmarsat
  • Newtec
  • Intelsat
  • OneWeb
  • Telesat
  • Kacific Broadband Satellites
  • Knight Sky, LLC
  • Wiley Rein