Tele-Health Commission
- Details
- Category: Health
- Published on Friday, 06 May 2011 08:15
The GVF Tele-Health Commission targets the application of new satellite-enabled ICT technologies to enhance sustainable and scalable program development and dissemination for healthcare, education and rehabilitation workforce and systems strengthening, and technology training and transfers for—
- Capacity building for healthcare, education, (re)habilitation, public health, civic personnel, successful regulatory and policy practice, and more;
- Disseminating evidence-based practices for cost-effective, quality public health, health care delivery, education, and rehabilitation for related human and social capital resource growth and policy development;
- Building on site and virtual learning Communities of Practice (CoPs), Leadership, and Advocacy as well as related mentor and peer support networks to improve knowledge exchange and transfer, access to resources, and global communication;
- Mitigating geographic barriers to subject experts and peers; and
- Providing ready access to evidence-based knowledge, skills, and mentoring by establishing ‘twinning centers’ of excellence and telepractice networks.
Applications of advanced technologies create innovative opportunities for growing alliances and linking partners, peers, and mentor/mentees. This strategy pinpoints a key development priority that could alter the cyclical state of extreme poverty in low-income countries: shifting the development emphasis from building institutional capital to that of human capital growth. Opportunities exist as a result of these technology advances, notably in health care, rehabilitation, and education arenas, to expedite the transfer of needed knowledge and skills and thus, contribute to capacity building and service delivery on a broad scale in low- and middle-resourced countries.
To explore collaboration, contact Evelyn Cherow, President, GPU, and Lead, GVF Tele-Health Commission.
About Health Solutions
- Details
- Category: Health
- Published on Friday, 06 May 2011 08:14
- An earthquake victim in urgent need of medical attention,
- A child seriously wounded in a remote village,
- An elderly man with severe symptoms of malaria and no means of travel to the metropolitan hospital.
What do these scenarios have in common?
They were real-life possibilities with grim outcomes, until tele-health technology became available. Today, by combining state-of-the-art satellite connectivity with Information Communications Technologies (ICTs), patients can be remotely diagnosed by experts thousands of miles away, nurses and doctors can be educated through online courses or video chat with other health professionals across the globe, and lives can be saved through easy access to necessary information around the world.
GVF is promoting expanded delivery of satellite-enabled tele-health solutions. Through a partnership with a social enterprise organization, GlobalPartnersUnited (GPU) and its Global teleRehabilitation Institute, GVF is helping to create innovative public-private alliances committed to brain ‘gain’, systems strengthening, and capacity building in developing countries via innovative 21st century ICT applications. By infusing online and hybrid learning models, social media, and telepractices blended with traditional international development strategies, GPU and GVF aim for improved sustainable and scalable capacity building outcomes, service delivery, and monitoring and evaluation.
Parties interested in exploring opportunities in the tele-health arena are invited to browse this section, and for more information contact Evelyn Cherow, President, GPU, and Lead, GVF Tele-Health Commission.